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Just bought your bundle which is awesome! The level of customization you've worked to bring others is in a format that overcomes technical barriers and allows creativity to flourish is admirable and something the world and community need more of. I wish I was in place to donate more at the moment but I'll make the rounds again. I'm stunned it's gotten such little engagement so I thought I'd offer my two sense on that as well - I'm currently designing UIs, GUIs and HUDs and I've been scouring all the published work on here and gamedevmarket for inspirations and sometimes templates which is why I was surprised that I only stumbled upon this whole pack on my third day of exhaustive searching. It showed up for me under the search "pixel frames and buttons" which I've searched a handful of variations of as well as plenty of "UI" and "GUI" "Kits" and "Templates" strings which I never saw it on so it seems like the reason is likely related to indexing, as it's certainly not the content! Good luck!

Hi! Wow, thank you so much for the positive feedback, it means a lot! I am so glad to hear that you enjoy the customizability. Is there anything in particular which stands out to you that you think I should include in future asset pack releases, or things that aren't so good which I should improve on? If there is anything I can do to improve on the pack or suggestions you have for other assets I'd be very glad to hear them.

Thanks also for bringing some attention to this bundle! The best way you can help me to improve this asset pack's visibility is by rating the pack here, that goes a long way in helping them show higher up on Thank you so much for your kind donation as well. I am not sure if you read my recent update, I am in the process of slowly making the Pix-Quest series free for all full versions, so once that is finished and I have more paid assets I would be glad to give you an equivalent value for future assets I release. If you have any requests for something custom in the meantime, feel free to reach out.

Enjoy creating, and I'd be so glad to see what you end up designing with these assets, so please share when finished!


Oops thought I already replied, but yeah for sure! I'm finishing a current project over the next week maybe two and then plan to start one using these so I'll be sure to share them and make notes on the areas you mentioned to report back. Don't worry about comping anything future though happy to have paid regardless, it wasn't much but hopefully you're getting enough support for us see continued releases :) 

Great, I hope to see whatever it is that you come up with! I am actually working on a new asset pack which I am looking forward to releasing but it might still be a while! Let me know if you have any issues in the meantime, and good luck with your project!

this is fantastic! just wondering, you have any suggestions about which assets to use to theme scrollbars and sliders, or are you planning on adding anything specifically for them?

Hi Aura, Thank you so much for the positive comment, I really appreciate it! Regarding your suggestion, I have added it to the to-do list to add slider/scrollbar assets to this pack! I am currently focused on updating the top down tileset assets, so it may be a little while before I get to this but I am on it! In the meantime, I would say the best current alternative would be to place the "small" button assets over a status bar to give this slider effect, although it may require some modification. I will make sure to let you know when I've added the requested assets, please don't hesitate to reach out should you have any additional comments, questions, or requests! Thanks again!

Thanks, I’ll try that.

(1 edit)

Hi Aura. Thank you for your patience. I have good news, I've updated with two types of sliders and slidebars which match the asset pack style! I've uploaded this in the v1.1 version of the file in this project page. Would you mind telling me if it works for you to download the new version? I want to ensure this is possible without you having to purchase again. 

yes, I got it, thank you! :)

Thanks for sharing!

Could you please show preview of full version?


Hi Gianghi, thanks for your comment and question. The screenshots and gifs in the project page show some examples of what you can create with the paid version. Thank you for the feedback though, it's a good point to show a preview and I will work on putting together a display visualizing what the full version contains :)



thanks again for your suggestion and patience! I've added a screenshot preview of the full version assets in the project page now :)

Nice! Good luck with sale ;)

Thanks Gianghl! I really appreciate the kind words.